Welcome party to Tian and celebration of Lei's finishing an exceptionally long proposal...
Welcome party to Chenyue and Chu & 1st anniversary of our Yungu lab
Spring trip at the Qiandao Lake
Gathering after the spring lab cleaning
Fall trip in Hangzhou
Gathering for the Mid-Autumn Festival and Lei's very first Teacher's Day
Farewell party for Zizheng and Hengjia
Celebration for the first day at Yungu
Aimei and Xiya pass their thesis proposal defense
Spring trip at Tonglu
Tiger Year Party
Our lab consists of a large synthetic/fabrication room, an equipment room, and a chemical storage room
Cleanroom in a glovebox: a dry lithography and characterization glovebox + a wet preparation and processing glovebox
Class 100 N2-filled lithography and characterization glovebox equipped with a NanoFrazor Scholar thermal scanning probe lithography tool, a Park NX10 atomic force microscope, and a home-built instrument integrating a high-resolution optical microscope, a 2D-material transfer station, and a semi-automatic probe station
Class 100 N2-filled wet preparation and processing glovebox equipped with a spin coater, an O2-plasma cleaner, an optical microscope, two hotplates, a freezer, and a cold trap.
Manual room-temperature probe station equipped with a sourcemeter and a lock-in amplifier
Water-free N2-glovebox equipped with a freezer, a cold trap, a vacuum oven, a centrifuge, a hotplate, an optical microscope, and a balance
Water-compatible N2-glovebox equipped with a cold trap, a vacuum oven, a centrifuge, a hotplate, an optical microscope, and a balance
Fume hood equipped with a Schlenk line and hotplates
Solvent purification system with 9 columns
Automated flash chromatography
Rotary evaporator equipped with a controllable vacuum pump and a cooler
Spin coater and hotplate
A glassware washer, an air circulating oven, two programmable ovens, and a vacuum oven
Environmental testing chamber with controllable temperature and humidity
Vacuum tube sealer equipped with a water hydrolysis system
Pulse electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometer equipped with a He-free cooling system, an arbitrary waveform generator, and an ENDOR module at the Instrumentation and Service Center for Molecular Sciences
Website design: Lei Sun © Copyright 2024 Sun Lab at Westlake University